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How To Be Memorable In A Minute

How to be Memorable in a Minute

Is it possible to make a truly memorable impression with your customers in a minute? With the right content strategy it is. For example, a web page that contains video is more than double the length of time a customer spends on your site and will tell the story of your company in a way no print or banner ad could ever could.

Getting the facts about your customers viewing habits and understanding what they look for on mobile devices makes online videos the most powerful type of media you can implement. For example that same piece of video content can be used in email marketing, social media at trade shows and many other interesting ways. We hear from clients over and over that our videos helps customers remember their brand, understand products and services and get far better results than other forms of media. Here are some ways to get better conversion rates with video.


Know What Will Interest Your Viewers
Video content creation is all about a careful study of a client’s target audience and how those people typically behave. It’s about what they watch, read, listen to and how they behave. The more we can relate on their level and inspire them to act, the more they will remember your message. According to studies, 52% of customers say that product videos increase their confidence in their purchasing decisions.

Video Content is King
Google is the #1 search engine and YouTube is #2. Why? We thought about it and noticed how Google studies the behavior of people. It knows what we search for and that most people prefer learning from videos. Perhaps that’s why Google owns YouTube. We know that customers are influenced by video ads and viewers stay on websites longer when they have video.  Knowing that, smart marketers are implementing video strategies into their business to increase sales, improve customer engagement and gain better brand awareness.
See samples of what we have produced.

Implementing Video for your Business
Video production companies come in all shapes and sizes, so it’s important to understand what is going to represent your business or your brand. When it comes to creating effective video for business.

Work with a production company that can recommend solid strategies and has creative chops to produce content that will properly represent your brand and take your marketing to the next level.  Once the media produced, it is important to optimize it correctly and implement a strategy that will help your company gain more market share. It’s not about just posting a video; it’s about having the kind of content that will make an impression quickly and implementing the strategy that keeps you “the top of mind” with your customers.

QUE productions understands the balance between quality and quantity. We craft attention-grabbing scripts, slogans and stories.

Making Video a Part of your Strategy
Most marketers know that people need to become familiar with a brand before they make a purchase. In the nonprofit world, donors need to trust the organization before they are ready to write a check. By utilizing video, you can introduce potential customers to key people within your organization, build trust and provide information quickly and easily. Businesses and nonprofits must stay top-of-mind so when a customer decides they are ready to take action, your message and intention will resonate.

Jazzing Up Those Boring Marketing Emails
If you are concerned about your mass emails becoming stale, you should know that including video in an email could increase click through rates by more than 90%!

mobile-phone Going Mobile
Did you know that mobile and tablet shoppers are three times more likely to click on a video than their computer-using counterparts? It is becoming more and more important to keep the mobile viewer and the small screen in mind when creating a video.

Post-Production: Tools to tell Your Story

When it comes to great storytelling, video production takes form in three phases and the last phase is post-production. Most won’t argue that it takes an experienced editor to assemble the right shots and edit the sound track to bring a story to life. Animation and graphics add additional information that can benefit your audience and its our job to help you find the proper balance.

Composition and Lighting
We see it over and over again: poor lighting or placement of people and objects in a video can derail even the best ideas. Having a good eye for composition, color temperature, art direction and  and lighting is one of the unique advantages of working with QUE Productions. We prevent these aesthetic problems every day, offering advice on how to make the most out of each and every shot.

We’ve all experienced poor audio quality. Particularly with mobile users on phones with small speakers. Often times a subjects words are muffled and in a noisy environment it can be distracting, making the entire video hard to watch.
Miking the speaker can minimize or eliminate background noise, but that’s only a piece of the puzzle. The right music and sound effects can enhance the story on an important level. Consider audio is 50% of your experience, the next time your watching a TV show, commercial or a really good product video you’ll understand the importance of a good soundtrack. QUE Productions takes sound design very seriously whenever we cut a video. We creates a unique audio visual experience for every that we tell for each and every client that we serve.

Know the facts:

  • The information that video viewers retain in just one minute is equivalent to 1.8 million written words.
  • Most people retain 95% of what they see and hear versus 10% of what they read. With that in mind its easy to see why video is the best way to be memorable in a minute! Let us help you craft a unique product today.


Que Productions

QUE Productions is a full service TV/Video and digital media production company specializing in Branded content, Commercials and Corporate Video production.

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