Training Video Production
Staff Orientation & Training
According to the Harvard Business School, video is the most frequently used medium for training and orientation in organizations with 100 or more people. Familiarizing new employees with policies, products, and processes, especially in a company with high turnover, can be expensive and time consuming.
By incorporating video into the training and orientation process, you implement a highly effective strategy to provide clear, concise information in an interesting and highly retentive way. Information that can be reviewed as needed so it’s more cost effective and far more efficient for everyone involved.
QUE Productions goes the extra mile to produce quality, affordable video & multimedia programs for training and orientation.
Did you know that a well-produced video will help employees retain up to 90% more information as compared to the printed word? Think about it…If a picture is worth 1000 words, how much more is video? That’s why it is far more cost effective for training staff and orienting new hires. Imagine how much more streamlined the process could be just to educate on company policies, products, and procedures.
Here is another example: Let’s say you run the sales department in a company that rolls out lots of new products each year. Your job depends on your team’s performance, so you constantly need to educate them on the features, functions and benefits each time a product is introduced. This requires time you do not necessarily have and consistently to retain information. Sales meetings and product sheets can only go so far, so when you find yourself repeating the same things over and over.
It’s time to Contact us
Together, we will create a dynamic multimedia solution. Imagine a branded landing page or microsite, with a series of product videos, sell sheets and links that have clear, concise and information on every product you launch. Now your entire sales team has 24/7 access to an entire library, with all they need to know at their fingertips. Video that can be easily accessed and shown in the field to sell more prospects. We can add printable documents, interactive quizzes, or whatever else you need to empower your team. The costs are minimal compared to the sales potential you just created.
Many successful companies have chosen to work with Que Productions because of our unique approach and experience in this important genre. We consistently deliver high- quality, results-driven content and our clients are truly delighted with the experience.
For more information on how Que Productions can help improve your training and orientation process, contact us for a complimentary consultation.